namespace EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Field;
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Contracts\Field\FieldInterface;
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\EaFormRowType;
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\Layout\EaFormColumnOpenType;
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\Layout\EaFormFieldsetOpenType;
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\Layout\EaFormTabPaneOpenType;
use Symfony\Component\Uid\Ulid;
use Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatableInterface;
* @author Javier Eguiluz <javier.eguiluz@gmail.com>
final class FormField implements FieldInterface
use FieldTrait;
public const OPTION_ICON = 'icon';
public const OPTION_COLLAPSIBLE = 'collapsible';
public const OPTION_COLLAPSED = 'collapsed';
public const OPTION_ROW_BREAKPOINT = 'rowBreakPoint';
public const OPTION_TAB_ID = 'tabId';
public const OPTION_TAB_IS_ACTIVE = 'tabIsActive';
public const OPTION_TAB_ERROR_COUNT = 'tabErrorCount';
* @internal Use the other named constructors instead (addPanel(), etc.)
* @param TranslatableInterface|string|false|null $label
public static function new(string $propertyName, $label = null)
throw new \RuntimeException('Instead of this method, use the "addPanel()" method.');
* @param TranslatableInterface|string|false|null $label
* @param string|null $icon The full CSS classes of the FontAwesome icon to render (see https://fontawesome.com/v6/search?m=free)
public static function addPanel($label = false, ?string $icon = null): self
'"FormField::addPanel()" has been deprecated in favor of "FormField::addFieldset()" and it will be removed in 5.0.0.',
return self::addFieldset($label, $icon);
* @param TranslatableInterface|string|false|null $label
* @param string|null $icon The full CSS classes of the FontAwesome icon to render (see https://fontawesome.com/v6/search?m=free)
public static function addFieldset($label = false, ?string $icon = null): self
$field = new self();
$icon = $field->fixIconFormat($icon, 'FormField::addFieldset()');
return $field
->setProperty('ea_form_fieldset_'.(new Ulid()))
->setFormTypeOptions(['mapped' => false, 'required' => false])
->setCustomOption(self::OPTION_ICON, $icon)
->setCustomOption(self::OPTION_COLLAPSIBLE, false)
->setCustomOption(self::OPTION_COLLAPSED, false)
* @param string $breakpointName The name of the breakpoint where the new row is inserted
* It must be a valid Bootstrap 5 name ('', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', 'xxl')
public static function addRow(string $breakpointName = ''): self
$field = new self();
$validBreakpointNames = ['', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', 'xxl'];
if (!\in_array($breakpointName, $validBreakpointNames, true)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The value passed to the "addRow()" method of "FormField" can only be one of these values: "%s" ("%s" was given).', implode(', ', $validBreakpointNames), $breakpointName));
return $field
->setProperty('ea_form_row_'.(new Ulid()))
->setFormTypeOptions(['mapped' => false, 'required' => false])
->setCustomOption(self::OPTION_ROW_BREAKPOINT, $breakpointName)
* @return static
public static function addTab(TranslatableInterface|string|false|null $label = null, ?string $icon = null): self
$field = new self();
$icon = $field->fixIconFormat($icon, 'FormField::addTab()');
return $field
->setProperty('ea_form_tab_'.(new Ulid()))
->setFormTypeOptions(['mapped' => false, 'required' => false])
->setCustomOption(self::OPTION_ICON, $icon)
->setCustomOption(self::OPTION_TAB_ERROR_COUNT, 0)
* @param int|string $cols Any value compatible with Bootstrap grid system
* (https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.3/layout/grid/)
* (e.g. 'col-6', 'col-sm-3', 'col-md-6 col-xl-4', etc.)
* (integer values are transformed like this: N -> 'col-N')
public static function addColumn(int|string $cols = 'col', TranslatableInterface|string|false|null $label = null, ?string $icon = null, ?string $help = null): self
$field = new self();
// $icon = $field->fixIconFormat($icon, 'FormField::addTab()');
return $field
->setProperty('ea_form_column_'.(new Ulid()))
->addCssClass(sprintf('field-form_column %s', \is_int($cols) ? 'col-md-'.$cols : $cols))
->setFormTypeOptions(['mapped' => false, 'required' => false])
->setCustomOption(self::OPTION_ICON, $icon)
public function setIcon(string $iconCssClass): self
$iconCssClass = $this->fixIconFormat($iconCssClass, 'FormField::setIcon()');
$this->setCustomOption(self::OPTION_ICON, $iconCssClass);
return $this;
public function collapsible(bool $collapsible = true): self
if (!$this->hasLabelOrIcon()) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The %s() method used in one of your fieldsets requires that the fieldset defines either a label or an icon, but it defines none of them.', __METHOD__));
$this->setCustomOption(self::OPTION_COLLAPSIBLE, $collapsible);
return $this;
public function renderCollapsed(bool $collapsed = true): self
if (!$this->hasLabelOrIcon()) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The %s() method used in one of your fieldsets requires that the fieldset defines either a label or an icon, but it defines none of them.', __METHOD__));
$this->setCustomOption(self::OPTION_COLLAPSIBLE, true);
$this->setCustomOption(self::OPTION_COLLAPSED, $collapsed);
return $this;
private function hasLabelOrIcon(): bool
// don't use empty() because the label can contain only white spaces (it's a valid edge-case)
return (null !== $this->dto->getLabel() && '' !== $this->dto->getLabel())
|| null !== $this->dto->getCustomOption(self::OPTION_ICON);
private function fixIconFormat(?string $icon, string $methodName): ?string
if (null === $icon) {
return $icon;
if (!str_contains($icon, 'fa-') && !str_contains($icon, 'far-') && !str_contains($icon, 'fab-')) {
trigger_deprecation('easycorp/easyadmin-bundle', '4.4.0', 'The value passed as the $icon argument in "%s" method must be the full FontAwesome CSS class of the icon. For example, if you passed "user" before, you now must pass "fa fa-user" (or any style variant like "fa fa-solid fa-user").', $methodName);
$icon = sprintf('fa fa-%s', $icon);
return $icon;